Tag Archives: Red magazine

From Russia with love

4 Apr

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This month, I’ve been writing about something other than cushions…

The word ‘inspirational’ is used too often these days, but it really is the best way to describe my awesome friend Jo. The story of how, when she was just 25, she met and adopted her daughter Marina is amazing, and I’m honoured she’s let me put it in print.

You can read all about it on p.107-108 of the new issue of Red magazine (May edition, Keira Knightley on the cover) which goes on sale today. And if it inspires you enough to make a small donation to The Promise, the charity Jo works for which aims to improve the lives of disabled children in Russia, both she and I would be incredibly grateful. Thank you.

To find out more about The Promise, visit http://www.thepromise.org.uk

To find out more about Red, visit http://www.redonline.co.uk