Archive | April, 2015

Throwing in the towel

21 Apr

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I read a survey yesterday which claimed that one of the secrets to happiness is having clean sheets. I’d also like to add fluffy towels to that list.

Sadly though, unless you have bajillions of pounds to spend, most ordinary towels only keep that spa-style softness for an indecently short time, quickly turning cardboard-like after just a few rounds in the washing machine.

Which is why I was so excited to hear about Tesco’s new Hygro towels (bear with me here), which boldly promise to get softer and fluffier the MORE you use them. Apparently made using a special spinning technique that creates a hollow fibre; they trap and ‘pillow’ air during tumble drying to make them thicker and more absorbent after just three washing and drying cycles…photo 4

So, I tried them. In the name of scientific research, I took ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos (below) next to a ruler; firstly straight out of the packet, and then after three washes. Not being the world’s greatest photographer, the scale is a little out, but the difference on the ruler is clear to see. Still lovely and soft, the towels have indeed ‘grown’. Impressive eh?

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Not a fan of this lime shade? No problem! They come in 20 different colours including grey, hot pink, red, purple and blue; and cost between £1 for a washcloth and £9 for a bath sheet from and instore. At that price, why not give them a try and conduct your own experiment?

It’s in the bag

16 Apr

yellow leather zatchels satchel

It was my birthday the other week (21 again, lucky me!) and this year I got a pretty amazing present – a GORGEOUS handmade leather old school-style satchel – pictured above – by British brand Zatchels (

In fab-smelling bright yellow and 13in across, it’s big enough to fit all my work bits and bobs, and goes with almost everything. There’s only one downside – it’s so look-at-me stunning that people keep stopping me to ask where I got it!

Usually, satchels like this are mega expensive. I’ve wanted one for ages, but it’s only now there’s a whopping 50% off on the Zatchels website, that I could justify asking Mr Treasure Hunter for one. So, instead of a purse-scaring £86, a satchel like this will set you back a slightly more reasonable £43. Not bad eh?

They come in several sizes, a dazzling array of colours (including traditional brown and oxblood red as well as metallic hues), and you can choose extras such as back straps and hidden poppers under the buckles. And if satchels aren’t your bag (ahem), there are lovely leather saddlebags (for £30 instead of £60) and bucket bags (£23 instead of £45) too.

Go on, bag yourself a bargain today!
