Archive | August, 2015

Hot stuff

19 Aug

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Sometimes it’s the smallest things that make the biggest difference. When I make toast, I like to grab the slice out of the toaster as quickly as humanly possible, so that the butter goes all melty when I spread it on top. However, this impatience usually means I end up burning my fingertips, flinging molten-hot toast around the room, and swearing a lot.

So, I am totally OBSESSED with my new Pebbly toaster tongs. Made from flexible (and environmentally-friendly) bamboo, they’re perfectly thin and long enough to get even the trickiest slice of toast, piece of bagel, English muffin or pancake out of your toaster easily and without sustaining third-degree burns – or damaging the metal element inside the toaster.

What’s more, they have a magnet cunningly built into the brightly-painted handle, so you can stick them on the side of your toaster when you’re not using them. So simple, yet so clever. Seriously, at just £4.99 from (or £5.50 from, you’ll wonder how you lived without them!

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