Archive | April, 2014

What have we got ear?

7 Apr

Steiff easter bunny ear set

With Easter just a couple of weeks’ away (and trouser buttons across the country already quaking at the prospect of all that chocolate), I thought I’d share something with you that’s calorie-free, suitable for both big and little kids alike, and that’s very, very sweet.

Yep, when I saw this set of two Rabbit Ears – one for grown-ups and one for babies/toddlers – I couldn’t resist. It’s designed by mega posh teddy bear firm Steiff, and carries their trademark gold button and branded ribbon. Surprisingly, it costs just £12.50 (most of their stuff is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more expensive), comes in a fancy box, and I reckon it’d make a fab Easter or pre-Easter pressie for anyone who has a little ‘un, or who – whisper it – doesn’t like chocolate.

Want a set of your own? Better visit and hop to it before they run out!

From Russia with love

4 Apr

photo (24)

This month, I’ve been writing about something other than cushions…

The word ‘inspirational’ is used too often these days, but it really is the best way to describe my awesome friend Jo. The story of how, when she was just 25, she met and adopted her daughter Marina is amazing, and I’m honoured she’s let me put it in print.

You can read all about it on p.107-108 of the new issue of Red magazine (May edition, Keira Knightley on the cover) which goes on sale today. And if it inspires you enough to make a small donation to The Promise, the charity Jo works for which aims to improve the lives of disabled children in Russia, both she and I would be incredibly grateful. Thank you.

To find out more about The Promise, visit

To find out more about Red, visit

Having a ball

2 Apr

Hanging Cluster 1000

How much fun are these beach ball lights? Far more exciting than your usual paper-style lantern, these are made from strong PVC with an airtight LED lighting compartment. Created by the former Head of Store Design at Habitat, they come flatpacked so that you can blow them up with a vacuum cleaner to get that firm, bouncy look:

Beach ball lights kids bedroom

Aimed at cool kids’ rooms, they look equally quirky in a more adult setting. Pop one in your downstairs loo, or hang a row somewhere unexpected, like the kitchen:

Interior Shot Beach Balls HIGH 2.7mb


Available in pendant and floor/tabletop versions, they’re not exactly a bargain at £90 each, but they will look fantastic, get you lots of admiring comments, and remind you of summer all year long.

Get yours at