Good clean fun

9 Jul

Rainbow shower head in the dark

Last week, I went without a proper wash for four days. Was I at Glastonbury? Nope, sadly not. My boiler had broken.

They say you don’t appreciate something until it’s gone. So now I can have hot showers again, you can’t keep me out of the bathroom. And I’m thinking of celebrating with one of these, quite frankly, awesome new shower heads.

You just screw one onto any normal shower hose and the coloured LED lights inside change from red to green to blue etc, powered by the pressure of the water. If you showered in the dark on a hot evening, I reckon it’d like being under a disco-tastic waterfall. Particuarly if you popped some music on at the same time (I suggest something suitably cheesy, like the Bee Gees or Abba).

You can get them for £9.36 on Ebay (from powersupply-best-buy, or search for ‘rainbow shower head’) or for £10.08 from TechBitz at

TechBitz Rainbow Colour Flashing LED Shower Head £10.08

One Response to “Good clean fun”

  1. SNH Bathrooms September 26, 2013 at 9:03 am #

    It is definitely true that you don’t realise how much you take your boiler for granted until its not there! Those shower heads are brilliant, there are so many awesome bathroom accessories available these days and some really beautiful bathroom suites.

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