I’m in with the tin crowd

17 Oct

It seems every week is a ‘national week’ for something – last week it was Chocolate Week; and this week it’s National Baking Week (17-23 October). Not that you’ll hear any complaints from me – I love any excuse to stuff my face!

But, whether you’ve baked a cake yourself or cheated with one from the farmer’s market/Sainsburys, you’ll need a good tin to keep it in. And thanks to the recent baking revival, there are loads of cool, cheap designs out there.

Here are three of my faves: London tins, £19.99 for two from Procook.co.uk; Skyline tins, £6.75 for two (also available in a Cath Kidston-style cherry design) from Tesco (www.tesco.com); or if you plan to do a LOT of baking, Dotty tins, £12.99 for three from Argos (www.argos.co.uk).

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